Objective To raise awareness in students of the acts of sexism that they see every day. Activity Before the class the teacher prints copies of the adverts below and sticks them around the classroom. 5 minutes – The teacher gives each student three post-its (one of which also has a number from one to five) and explains the activity. 10 minutes – The students circulate around the classroom looking at all of the adverts. They then choose three and on their post-its write adjectives that describe the women in those adverts, sticking them on the advert. Whilst they do so, the teacher places papers with questions at six stations around the classroom. 20 minutes – The students form six groups of five students according to their numbers from the start of class. Each group is assigned a station with a question which they must discuss for five minutes, taking notes about their ideas on a piece of paper. After five minutes they change station until each group ...